Life’s little distractions…

I haven’t been teaching my kid anything much these past couple of days because I’ve been very distracted… the passing away of two famous people whom I honestly never heard of until I saw some posts in facebook has left me asking a lot of questions and wondering about so many things. I’m talking about Cory Monteith and Talia Castellano, a 31-year-old young man and a 13-year-old young lady who died within 3 days of each other. Now as I mentioned, I’ve never even heard of them before, but just a few clicks on google helped me know Cory to be a young actor with a troubled childhood who had a promising career after being cast in “Glee.” As I watched a few clips of him singing in youtube, I couldn’t help but feel that his sudden passing was just plain sad, for he had so much going for him but it was all taken away by his addiction to drugs. And then a few days later somebody posts in facebook about Talia, and again google allowed me to get to know an amazing little girl who touched so many lives through her make-up tutorials in youtube. Talia had been battling cancer for the past six years, but aside from her being bald, you wouldn’t know she had a problem because she was just so full of life. She lived 13 years, but her impact in the world was something most of us could never even dream of coming close to — even if we live to be a 100. I couldn’t help but compare how these two goodbyes felt so far apart — with Cory it was too soon; his life was just beginning, he was about to get married and start a family… but with Talia, it was her time; it feels like she’s accomplished in her 13 years what she’s been sent here to do.

In the middle of all these distractions of mine, my own little girl found a way to amuse herself and she reminded me that what we should be focusing on is “life,” not “death.”

It all started with this little creature that she made by gluing googly eyes on a pink pom-pom. She named her “Mattiya.”20130718-195915.jpg

She said Mattiya was her pet. Her pom-pom creations eventually grew to be a whole family.


Then she drew some stuff on a small notebook and made it into a booklet. This is their TV.20130718-200046.jpg

Daddy, Mommy and Big Brother have their own beds…20130718-195951.jpg

The little girls have their own beds too, but here, big bro reads a bedtime story to little sis, while in the next photo, little sis reads a bedtime story to the baby. (They’re reading bible bedtime stories.)20130718-200006.jpg

The kids eat together (yup, that’s a table on the left), take a bath together (the middle shows them playing in the bathtub) and play with balls together (pom-poms playing with balls…now that’s cool).20130718-200017.jpg

Here’s Allyra playing with her “pets.”20130718-200151.jpg

I know we all have our own distractions in life and I realized today that my little girl made the wiser choice. While I preoccupied myself with facts and videos about the dead, my child was busy making her own little “pet family” and brought them to life.

Gotta remind myself to remember this:

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” – Philippians 4:8

And right on cue, with a little duct tape, some old boxes and a stool, my hubby made this little distraction for the kids. Now it sure is great to be distracted with stuff like these. It’s lotsa fun. 🙂



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