Fruits of the Spirit: LESSON 3 PART 2 – Peace (Matthew 5:9)

Fruits of the Spirit: LESSON 3 PART 2 – Peace (Matthew 5:9)

LESSON: PEACE – Blessed are the peacemakers

Memory Verse:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.”– Matthew 5:9

Lesson Presentation: (Note: Always allow students to give their answers to the questions before you clarify the teaching.)

  1. Have you ever gotten into a fight with one of your friends?
  2. How do you make up and get to be friends with that person again? Do you go tell them you’re sorry?
  3. What if the fight was the other person’s fault? Could you still be the one to go talk to them first, before they told you they were sorry, and try and be friends with them again?
  4. Read Matthew 5:9 – Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God” (NIV).
  5. What do you think a “peacemaker” is? It’s someone who makes peace between two people. When two people get into a fight, a peacemaker can help them stop fighting and help them be friends again.
  6. Did you know that Jesus was our peacemaker? He made peace between us and God. We were in a fight with God. We were always doing wrong things and not listening to God and God could have punished us for those things. But instead, God wanted to have peace with us. And even though we were the ones who were doing the wrong things, even though we started the fight with God, God was the one who sent Jesus to talk to us and to make peace between us and God. Jesus died on the cross for all those wrong things that we do and now, if we believe in Jesus, we have peace with God. Jesus came to us first, to make peace between us and God.
  7. Jesus wants you to go to your friends first, too, even when you weren’t the one who started the fight, to make peace with them. If you do that, if you will be a person that tries to make peace with other people, you will be like Jesus and God will be happy with you.
    PRAY: Ask God for help in being a peacemaker like Jesus.=


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