Episode 1: Into The Mind Of A Zero Hunger Hero

Our Zero Hunger Hero

Did you know that 1 out of 9 people (821 million) go to bed hungry each night? Eradicating hunger and malnutrition is one of the great challenges of our time.

How do we solve this problem? As the famous proverb says, “‘Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Social entrepreneur Taylor Quinn does this by empowering entrepreneurs by building low-cost food systems, starting in Liberia and then a number of other countries.

We first met Taylor Quinn at the Global Innovation Field Trip (GIFT) last October. Having been inspired by his company, Tailored Food, and the Delicious and Nutritious K-12 Food Challenge he launched, we connected with him hoping to request him to personally invite other homeschoolers to join the challenge.

The DivrGents

The Divrgents banner
The Divrgents banner

Having been inspired by the young speakers in GIFT and other innovators who were very eager to share their knowledge about STEM and innovations, I pitched the idea of doing interviews with our kids from WonderfullyMadeKids and their friends from Homeschooling by Grace who had more experience in hosting and leading online activities for their homeschool clubs. The kids agreed and “The DIVRGENTS” was born.

The DIVRGENTS is a youth project with a mission to dive into the lives and work of people who make a difference in this world, the divergents. Formed by young homeschoolers who have known each other since they were small, these young minds worked together to make this project happen. DIVRGENT stands for:


The Divrgents Logo
The Divrgents Logo

The group met and collaborated online to work on their brand, assign tasks, share interviewing tips, brainstorm on the interview questions, work out the details, correspond with the interviewee, create the poster, and do tech rehearsals and mock interviews. It was a meaningful learning experience for all of them.

The Divrgents meet Taylor Quinn Poster
The Divrgents meet Taylor Quinn Poster

The DIVRGENTS meet Taylor Quinn

Watch our very first episode as he tells us about Tailored Food, a non-profit that aims to end hunger by 2030 through local nutrition entrepreneurship. Get insights about his work with the UN World Food Programme. Learn about food systems and why it matters. Also, know more about the Delicious and Nutritious K-12 Food Challenge.

The Divrgents Episode 1: Into the Mind of a Zero Hunger Hero

Delicious and Nutritious K-12 Food Challenge

We encourage K-12 students to also join the Delicious and Nutritious K-12 Food Challenge. We’ll be sharing tips and tutorials about design principles and creating marketing campaigns using CANVA at our Canva for Kids Learning Group. This can be an integrated project for the kids’ performance tasks in school covering the following topics:

  1. Science – food systems
  2. Computer – graphic design (poster, brochure, video)
  3. Civics – local food production, food culture/tradition, specialty food product or recipe from a specific region
  4. English – creating a persuasive marketing campaign
  5. Math – food cost analysis (food should be affordable), for higher grade levels you can research the cost of bringing food from farm to table.
  6. HELE/TLE – entrepreneurship
  7. MAPEH – art (marketing campaign design), nutrition and health
  8. Filipino – language and culture (if you want to use that in your marketing strategy)
  9. Values – engaging in an activity that has a social impact and aims to solve real-world problems

The challenge link can be found here:

Important details to remember:

  • CHALLENGE DEADLINE: Dec. 18, 2021.
  • TOP CHALLENGERS ANNOUNCED: Jan. 1, 2022 & Present at Global Innovation Field Trip – Jan 16, 2022.

Questions? Write to globalinnovationfieldtrip@gmail.com.

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