0A Day in our Homeschool Life

Hi! It’s been 3 years since our last post. Life happened and it was a season that simply “living it” was more important than writing about it. We’ve had 2 beautiful babies since then and so our homeschool has now 4 wonderfully-made kids living and laughing and learning together.  

I thought that the best way to “reload” the blog was to post about how we are homeschooling right now. And so we put together this “A Day in our Homeschool Life” video for all of you.

This video shows our “ideal day.” Our main thing is starting with praise and worship and our devotions. It doesn’t matter what mood we are in — we do it because we want to honor God first. Then on most days, we simply do whatever we can fit in during the day. We still don’t follow a schedule because our littlest one, Anica, who is almost 7 months old, is our “Schedule Coordinator.” That simply means she’s the one in control — hahaha! 

Anyway, here it goes. Meet our tribe:

Ate ALLYRA (9 years old) – Home Management Trainee/Team Leader/Assistant Teacher/Arts and Crafts Coordinator

Kuya SAMUEL (5 years old) – Public Relations Officer/Master Builder/Future Kung-Fu Master/Health and Safety Coordinator

Kuya ASHER (almost 3 years old) – Resident Campus Crush/Law and Order Enforcer/Love-tank Filler/Performance Arts Coordinator

Baby ANICA (almost 7 months old) – Ambassador of Beauty and Grace/Schedule Coordinator

Hope you enjoy our video! God bless!

A Day in our Homeschool Life

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