By the Red Sea…

As we strolled near the beach, Kuya Sam remarked, “I wish we could see the Red Sea from the Bible, the one where Moses crossed.”

Dadi and Momi smiled and explained, “This is the Red Sea from that story in the Bible! This was the same one that God parted in the middle and which the Israelites crossed. We are in the land where the Israelites wandered for forty years.”

After 11 years in Jeddah, I am still amazed at how God has brought us here so we could build our family in the desert. With all four children born in this land, for us, this is home.

God revealed Himself to us here, faraway from our families and from all that we knew — just like Moses and the Israelites. Here, he showed us His great love and allowed us to grow in faith and trust in His grace.

While we are grateful for our home here, we know that our time here will end. And wherever God may lead our family next, we pray that we will always put our hope and our trust only in Jesus.

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