How to Homeschool During the Pandemic


With eveything that is happening all around us, I have been questioning myself if posting about how we homeschool is still a good idea. Are we being insensitive to the suffering around us when we talk about homeschool tips and how to integrate the Bible in your lessons? Does posting fun school activites both past and present appear like we have zero compassion to those whose only thought and goal is how to survive this day?

I have been praying about this and lifting it up to God. But, as we made today’s post, I was reminded by my children about why we are posting in the first place. And the answer to that is this — we want to give glory to God.

Yes, people are having a hard time. And we include them in our prayers. But aside from finding a way to send money to charities, we are limited in how we can make a direct impact to help them.

being faithful stewards

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” – 1 Peter 10:11

We can, however, have an impact on those whom God has allowed us to have a direct connection with, even if it is only through online means. God has allowed us to live at this time in a way that allows us to continue to homeschool and live in a relatively “normal” environment. And so is the case for many other families in the Philippines and everywhere else in the world. As we reflected on this situation, we felt that God was not asking us to put a stop on what we are doing so that we could focus all our energies on figuring out how to help those who are in Afghanistan, Haiti, India, or anybody else severly affected by the pandemic. Instead, we believe God has called us to be faithful stewards to what He has given us as of this moment.


Today, we will be posting about how we celebrated Buwan ng Wika back in 2015. As we have been doing every year, we connect our theme to a Bible verse. The theme we chose for then was Psalm 105:1.

“Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” – Psalm 1-5:1

Psalm 105:1 or Awit 105:1 Buwan ng Wika theme

How can we give praise to the LORD at this time, with our current situation? We do it by showing His goodness and faithfulness to our families and friends throughout all these years. We praise His mighty name by celebrating a school event that is mandated by the government, the Buwan ng Wika, in a way that proclaims the power of God and the beauty of His majestic creation.

This was the theme of the song that we wrote, “Kamangha-manghang Diyos.” It’s about the fascinating places located in the Philippines. We also did our activity with the kids from Homeschooling By Grace, and the kids made artworks about our seas and the colorful boat called the vinta. As we made the video for our Facebook story, we also incorporated the Philippine motto: Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa (Filipino for “For the Love of God, People, Nature, and Country.”


Whether in artworks or in song, or even in our home studio creative photo shoot, we are grateful to the Lord and praise Him for what He has done and in what He is continuing to do in our lives. It is only by His amazing grace that we are where we are now, still homeschooling and celebrating Buwan ng Wika this August; it is a blessing that we do not deserve. And so as we offer to God all that we do, we lift up to Him our prayers about our own problems and anxieties, and we ask for His mercy and grace for those who are in need. We do not forget those who are suffering but we do not need to be missionaries or involve ourselves in rescue missions or things like that in order to be doing God’s work. Continuing with what we are called to do in our own sphere and using the talents and skills God gave us is how we fulfill our purpose. We want to give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; and through our own personal story and our own experiences, make known among the nations what He has done.

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