The Divrgents: We Are Grateful

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou

The Divrgents was started just last November 2021, and we have been blessed for the opportunity to meet and learn from truly remarkable people through the interviews that we’ve done.

Thank you Taylor Quinn, for sharing your passion and mission to bring low-cost healthy and delicious food to where it is most needed. Thank you Nour Fetyani, for sharing your journey as a dog rescuer and for sharing the heart of what Open Paws Jeddah is all about. Thank you Mandy Knight for collaborating with our kids through Sign Language Worship to bring the spirit of joy last Christmas. We are grateful for trusting us to share your stories and we wish you all the best this coming year!

Thankful too for our guest interviewers who joined us. We’re excited to explore more ways to make this youth project better and we are looking forward to getting to know and share the stories of more amazing people this 2022!

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