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Canva 101: Making an Animated Poster
This tutorial is made by our almost 7-year old Kuya Asher and it shows his design process on making an animated pet adoption poster.

Canva for KidsCanva ProjectsCanva Resources for KidsCanva TutorialDelight-directed learningHomeschool BlogS.T.E.A.M Activities
Canva: Stop-Motion Animation
A simple stop motion animation tutorial from our Kuya Sam using Canva.

Animal RescuingCanva for KidsCanva ProjectsCanva Resources for KidsCanva TutorialHomeschool BlogWMK Advocacies
Canva 101: Making A Pet-Adoption Poster
Canva 101: Make a poster
Learn how to use Canva by following this simple tutorial that shows you the basic things you need to know to be able to design in Canva.