I wonder how it feels like to truly go rainbow-chasing?

For the past couple of days, we barely made a dent in our weekly target lessons. I wanted to do some one-on-one teaching with my kid this week (instead of the BJU videos doing the teaching) but as it turned out, my baby boy was extra fussy due to his cough and colds. So we ended up doing nothing, and that why we did some cramming today to catch up.
Fortunately, the lessons were very easy–stuff that my little girl already knows so it was more like a review for her. We even got to do a bit of science (not in our target this week) because she asked about rainbows (a hangover from our lesson about Noah’s ark). We’re not yet done with our lapbook, by the way.
All this cramming made me remember how much of a procrastinator I was during the time I was still studying. It has become such a lifestyle for me that I usually can’t get my creative juices flowing to do a project or write a paper until the night before the deadline (sometimes, even just hours before the class). It was definitely not a good habit, and one that I hope my kids won’t follow.
The bible tells us to, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16).
By God’s grace I’ve made it this far even if I lived a big part of my life unwisely. And today, God is reminding me of these things. It is only by God’s grace my daughter and I were able to meet our target for the week by cramming, and only because the lessons were easy. If the topic had been introducing new concepts that are far more difficult, cramming would probably not have worked.
Yeah, I know we should take it easy because after all, we’re talking about a 4-year old here. But discipline must be learned while young, and as long as we follow a reasonable pacing, she enjoys learning. And its me – yes me — who has to model discipline. So I make a note to myself that says, “No more cramming!”
How about you? Have you done some cramming lately?