Homeschooling while moving to a new house

We’re moving!

Two weeks ago, our building’s new owner informed us that our contract will not be renewed. That means we have 3 weeks to find a new apartment and move. Wow.

We had just started to get our homeschool rhythm and now this. Yikes. But all is good in faith and love.

Praise the Lord for the people He uses to bless us continually, like our harris who helped ua find a new flat just across the street, daddy’s officemates (sorry! I forgot to take photos at that time!) who helped us us with moving our stuff, and our church family who also pitched in because we’re moving stuff slowly but surely.

While some friends have offered to watch our kids while we pack and move, we decided to keep them at home to give them a chance to see how it’s done. Each one has a role, no matter how big or small. Whether it is with cleaning or packing, or pushing the boxes and organizing our things, or even just to keep each other amused while mommy and daddy are busy.

It can get a bit boring, but boring is good. It is not our job as parents to keep them entertained. We believe it is, however, part of training them when we let them contribute in whatever way they can to what our family is dealing with at the moment. “Karamay sa hirap at ginhawa.” 😁

Anyway, here’s our video and we hope you like it!

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