Exploring the Metaverse

As homeschoolers, we always do everything together at home. Devotions with multi-grade-level kids often mean that as we dig deeper in our study, the little ones switch to playing while in the same room, and that’s fine. They absorb what they can even if they’re playing.

Discovering the metaverse is a fun way we can continue our daily discussions but in a more interesting environment. Even our almost 5-year old is able to navigate so well — our digital natives are so metaverse-ready. It allows us to bond in a different way and also inspires them to be creative in their play. So far, we’ve been to Onyx University, Gathertown, Edumetaverse, and our devo today, in Sam’s room at Mozilla Hubs.

As we explore, discover, and learn together, we trust and seek God’s purpose and plan in our lives. For we believe God is sovereign over all the universe, and that includes the metaverse.

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.'” – Colossians 1:16

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